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Below you will find detailed updates on all ongoing construction and improvement projects within our parks and recreational facilities. Our focus is on enhancing accessibility, preserving natural resources, and improving infrastructure to ensure high-quality experiences for the community. Here, you can track project progress, view timelines, and learn about key developments as we continue to invest in the future of Riverside County's parks. We invite you to stay informed as we work toward creating sustainable and dynamic spaces for all visitors. For future bids, check out:

CIP Projects

Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) are a key component of RivCoParks commitment to enhancing park infrastructure and public spaces. These projects involve significant investments in the development, renovation, and expansion of facilities to better serve the community. From new park amenities and recreational facilities to environmental restoration and infrastructure upgrades, our CIP initiatives are designed to meet the growing needs of residents and visitors.


PK-9742 Stagecoach Stop Park at Gilman Ranch

Project Scope: The grant-funded project will result in the development of a new community center, parking, lighting, ADA paths, among other amenities at at Gilman Historic Ranch and Wagon Museum  

Funding: State of California, Regional Park Program, Prop 68 State of California

Project Budget: $6.05 million
Consultants: RHA Landscape Architects Planners, Inc. 
Estimated Completion: 2027

Status: Congressional Earmark going before appropriations committee July 2024 for $3.8 million was not approved. RHA has put construction documents on hold pending a Fault Study Investigation Report. Environmental analysis continues for CEQA compliance. 


PK-9750 Trujillo Adobe Restoration Project

Project Scope: Restore the Trujillo Adobe and acquire land to add to the site  

Funding: State of California

Project Budget: $10.4 million
Consultants: RHA Landscape Architects Planners, Inc. 
Estimated Completion: 2027

Status: Appraisals for properties received and working with real estate team to finalize them and determine next steps.  


PK-7308 Butterfield Trail – Stoffer Property Staging Area

Project Scope: Environmental and Preliminary Engineering for a staging area and three miles of trail.

Funding: DIF

Project Budget: $239,000
Consultants: UltraSystems
Estimated Completion: 2024

Status: Environmental and engineering continues on trail design.

ARPA Projects

ARPA Projects, funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), play a vital role in Riverside County Parks' efforts to enhance infrastructure and community spaces. These projects focus on improving public facilities, expanding access to recreational opportunities, and creating safer, more inclusive environments for all visitors. With ARPA funding, we are accelerating the development of key park initiatives that strengthen and enrich our parks and sites for the benefit of the community. Explore our ARPA projects to see how we are investing in the future of our parks.


PK-ARPA003 Lake Skinner Sewer/Water 

Consultant: IDS Group  
Parks PM: Oscar Ricardo  
ARPA Budget: $1.5 million 
Construction: Nov ‘24-Aug ‘25     PS&E Complete: 100% 
Authorization to Bid: Aug 27, 2024 
Open Bids: Sep 19, 2024 
Awarded Bid: Nov 5, 2024 
Project Description: Replacement of damaged or inoperable water valves in Campground A, B, and C; installation of new backflows. 

Project Update: RivCoParks is packaging this project along with PK-ARPA004. Repaving, and PK-ARPA011 Boat Launch projects for authorization to bid on  August 27, 2024.  


PK-ARPA004 Lake Skinner Repaving Projects 

Consultant: TLMA 
Parks PM: Oscar Ricardo 
ARPA Budget: $1.8 million 
Construction: Jan-Feb 2025 
PS&E Complete: 99% 
Authorization to Bid: August 27, 2024 
Open Bids: September 19, 2024 
Awarded Bid: November 2024 

Project Description: Resurfacing of approximately 8,020 s.f. (1.5 miles) of Warren Road from the road split just north of the park entrance check-in booth to the pedestrian crossing at the park store as you enter the park proper; modifying cross slope in select areas for better drainage conveyance and resurfacing of approximately 222,000 sf of asphalt pavement for Lake Skinner Camp Store Parking Lot. 

Project Update: Plans, specs and Estimates are 100% complete and were authorized to bid by the Board of Supervisors on August 27, 2024.  


PK-ARPA011 Lake Skinner Boat Launch Repair 

Consultant: Infrastructure Engineering Corporation (IEC) 
Parks PM: Anthony Miller  
ARPA Budget: $3 million 
Construction: Nov ‘24-Aug ‘25     PS&E Complete: 99% 
Authorization to Bid: Aug 27, 2024 
Open Bids: September 19, 2024 
Awarded Bid: November 5, 2024 

Project Description: ADA upgrades to include: a new ADA walking path from the existing parking lot to boat launch #1, new ADA prefabricated restroom with attached back-office space, new ADA fish cleaning station, reconfigure the existing parking lot to meet ADA requirements/compliance and a new drive through exit lane from the boat launch ramps. 

Project Update: 99% plans were delivered 8/3/24 for final review prior to FM final approval stamp. Authorization to bid approved by the Board of Supervisors 8-27-24. November 2024 is anticipated start date for construction. Metropolitan Water District has no further comments on plans & specs and will lower water levels in March 2025 so the ramp concrete can be cast in the dry.  


PK-ARPA005 Rancho Jurupa Paving

Consultant: TLMA 
Parks PM: Oscar Ricardo 
ARPA Budget: $3 million 
Construction: Jan-Feb 2025 
PS&E Complete: 95% 
Authorization to Bid: August 27, 2024 
Open Bid: Sept 2024  
Awarded Bid: Dec 2024 

Project Description: Resurfacing approximately 90,900 s.f. of the fishing lake’s parking lot and installing approximately 4,300 s.f. of new roadway pavement for the Lakeview Campground located in the west central and west southern portions the Rancho Jurupa Park. 

Project Update: Plans, Specs and Estimates are 100% complete. The project was authorized to bid by the board on August 27, 2024.     
ls in March 2025 so the ramp concrete can be cast in the dry.  


PK-ARPA009 Santa Ana River Bottom (SARB) Yard

Consultant: DBA 
Parks PM: Anthony MIller 
ARPA Budget: $5 million  
Construction: Sept.’24-Oct. ‘25      PS&E Complete: 100% 
Authorization to Bid: June 4, 2024 
Open Bids: July 2024 
Awarded Bid: August 27, 2024 

Project Description: RivCoParks established a Santa Ana River Bottom Ranger Unit to work collaboratively with other county and municipal agencies to deliver compassionate and humane services to unsheltered individuals along the river bottom. This project builds a maintenance shop, office space, and meeting room for the new team as they conduct their activities.  

Project Update: The Notice of Intent was issued to the lowest bidder on July 11, 2024.  Contract awarded buy Board of Supervisors August 27, 2024. Mobilization anticipated to begin in September. 

Environmental Determination: The Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District, as Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has completed a Draft Initial Study - Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS MND). The Draft Initial Study – Mitigated Negative Declaration discloses potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed project and recommends mitigation measures to reduce any identified impacts to less than significant levels.

Tribal Consultation: RivCoParks is in consultation with Tribes pursuant to Senate Bill No. 18, enacted in 2004, and related to traditional tribal cultural places. The results of Tribal consultation will be documented, including any mitigation agreed to, in the final IS-MND.

Hazardous Materials Statement: The project site is not included on any list of hazardous waste sites prepared pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.


Notice of Intent (NOI)

Draft Initial Study - Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)


Project Plans 

Air Quality 

Biological Resources 

Cultural Resources

Paleontological Resources 

Geotechnical Report


Environmental Data Information 

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)


Public Comment Period: RivCoParks requests your written comments on the Mitigated Negative Declaration during the 20-day review period, which begins on March 11, 2024, and ends on April 1, 2024. All comments must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on the last day of the comment period. Be sure to include the name, phone number, and address in your response. Please direct your comments or questions to:

Anthony Miller

Project Manager

[email protected]

(951) 955-2966

Lawler Alpine Lodge - Lawler Alpine lodge exterior is a traditional log cabin design built in 1918.

PK-ARPA013 Lawlor Lodge ADA Improvements

Consultant: BOA Architecture; Kimley Horn; CRM Tech 
Parks PM: Anthony MIller 
ARPA Budget: $1.5 million 
Construction Start: Mar ‘25-Dec ‘25     PS&E Complete: 100% 
Authorization to Bid: July 9, 2024 
Open Bids: September 4, 2024 
Awarded Bid: October 22, 2024 

Project Description: ADA updates to Walts Cabin and Scouts Cabin located in     the Lawler Lodge area. Updates include the retrofit of existing cabins to ensure entryways have appropriate widths, restrooms can provide wheelchair access, and a community space can be provided for future facility rental. 

Project Update: Stamped, approved plans (FM, Fire, Environmental) final stamp received  8/8/24. Bid period opened on 8/12/24 and anticipated contract award shall be October 22, 2024. Construction shall begin March 2025 to avoid snow delays and freezing weather.  

Kabian Park Image 5

PK-ARPA014 Kabian Memorial Park Improvements   

Consultant:  Kimley Horn      
Parks PM: Oscar Ricardo 
ARPA Budget: $1.2 million Construction: Sep ‘24 - May ‘25     PS&E Complete: 100% 
Authorization to Bid: June 4, 2024 
Bid Closes: July 9, 2024 
Awarded Bid: August 27, 2024 

Project Description: Project includes utility infrastructure updates, entryway enhancements, new restroom, playground ADA upgrades, ADA pathways, and     added signage. 

Project Update: Contract award approved by Board of Supervisors 8/27/2024.  


PK-ARPA010 Santa Ana River Trail Wayfinding (SART) 

Consultant: Alta Planning 
Parks PM: Oscar Ricardo 
ARPA Budget: $1 million  
Construction Start: Sept ‘24-Mar ‘25     PS&E Complete: 100% 
Authorization to Bid: July 9, 2024 
Open Bids: August 5, 2024 
Awarded Bid: Sept 10, 2024 

Project Description: Signage program for the Riverside County portion of the Santa Ana River Trail which extends from San Bernardino County to the beach in Orange County. Signage will include wayfinding, safety signs, interpretive signs, and distance markers.  

Project Update:  Bid closed on August 5, 2024, and the Notice of Intent was issued to the lowest bidder on August 5, 2024.  Contract award to go to the Board of Supervisors meeting 9/10/2024.

SART Bilingual Signs 

Public Review Draft: Santa Ana River Trail Phase 6 Thru Green River Golf Club Environmental Documents for Public Review
To give public comments, Click Here
Santa Ana River Parkway Minimum Trail Signage and Maintenance Guidelines

Santa Ana River info panels at Hidden Valley

PK-ARPA016 Hidden Valley Nature Center Proposal   

Consultant: Community Works Design Group 
Parks PM: Oscar Ricardo 
ARPA Budget: $2.5 Million  
Construction: Nov ‘24-Jun ‘25     PS&E Complete: 100% 
Authorization to Bid: July 9, 2024 
Bid Opening: September 12, 2024 
Awarded Bid: October 22, 2024 

Project Description: Install a new prefabricated restroom, construct a new septic system for the restroom, reconfigure the existing parking lot to meet ADA requirements/compliance, renovate/beautify the existing entry area, construct new ADA compliant concrete walking paths, construct new outdoor classroom with shade structure, construct new art area with shade structure, renovate existing Amphitheater to meet ADA compliance and install new shade structures. 

Project Update:  Bid advertisement was published on August 12, 2024, and the Job Walk is occured August 20, 2024 where over 15 people participated. Bid anticipated to open 9/12 with contract award 10/22.

Santa Rosa Plateau Nature Center

PK-ARPA012 Santa Rosa Plateau Broadband Project 

Consultant: Frontier Communications 
Parks PM: Anthony Miller 
ARPA Budget: $100,000     PS&E Complete: 100% 
Bid: Not required 
Construction Start: March 2024 

Project Description: Establish reliable high-speed internet connection at the Santa Rosa Plateau Visitor’s Center.  

Project Update: Conduit path construction complete on RivCoParks property.   Frontier nearing completion of their conduit path crossing Avenida La Cresta and Woodward Ave. RivCoParks and Frontier weekly meeting on to discuss final timeline and work to be done before we are forwarded to the install team for modem/router and activation of service.                              


PK-ARPA015 Lake Cahuilla Master Plan and Amenities Update 

Consultant: RHA 
Parks PM: Anthony MIller 
ARPA Budget: $11.5 million Construction: Dec ‘24-June ‘25  PS&E Complete: 95% 
Authorization to Bid: August 27, 2024 
Bid Opening: September 26, 2024 
Awarded Bid: November 5, 2024 

Project Description: Project includes master plan for park which will be its own stand-alone RFP (In progress), pool repairs and ADA updates, restroom modernization, fishing area improvements, playground upgrades, slurry and re-striping of roadways and parking lots, campground amenity upgrades, basketball and pickleball court, and enhanced landscaping.  

Project Update:  PS & E at 95% and continuing review with Coachella Valley Water District & Bureau of Reclamation as well as Facilities Management.  We have selected Webb Associates to prepare the Master Plan component.  TLMA crack repair/slurry seal project for park roads bid was awarded for August construction. 

RJU arial view

PK-ARPA007 RivCoParks Tourism Project    

Consultant: N/A 
Parks PM: Michael A./Gaby A. 
ARPA Budget: $ 417,468 
Project Completeness:  73% 
Estimated Completion: Nov 2024 

Project Description: RivCoParks hosts a number of events each year through non-profit partnerships and provides nature and history-based education to localschool districts throughout Riverside County. The Tourism Recovery Program waives fees and funds District-sponsored activities associated with these services, providing much needed relief to non-profits and school districts (which were impacted as a result of the pandemic and face economic difficulties arising therefrom) who host events in Riverside County facilities. 

Project Update: No new updates. $68,185 funds remain to be used by end of calendar year. 

Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is a crucial first step in evaluating potential projects for RivCoParks. It assesses the practicality and sustainability of proposed initiatives by analyzing key factors such as environmental impact, financial viability, technical requirements, and community benefits. By conducting a detailed review of each project's scope, cost, and alignment with organizational goals, feasibility studies help ensure informed decision-making and responsible use of resources. This process also identifies potential challenges early, allowing for adjustments that improve the likelihood of successful project implementation while maintaining the highest standards of environmental stewardship and public service.


PK-ARPA008 D4 Feasibility Study 

Consultant: Webb Associates     
Parks PM: Lynda Ramos 
ARPA Budget: $250,000  Project Completeness: 35% 
Estimated Completion: Fall 2025 

Project Description: Feasibility report to identify potential sites for new regional park in District 4. 

Project Update:  As of November 7, 2024, all community meetings have been successfully completed, and the Prior Efforts Report has been finalized. Looking ahead, the Opportunities and Constraints Report is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The project consultant is also currently focused on developing the Financial Feasibility Report and Conceptual Designs.

Project Virtual Presentation 
Stay tuned for further updates as the project progresses by visiting the website:


PK-ARPA006 OHV Feasibility Study

Consultant: KTUA 
Parks PM: Lynda Ramos 
ARPA Budget: $500,000 Project Completeness: 15% 
Estimated Completion: Fall 2025 
Project Description: Project continues on previous 2022 OHV Feasibility Study where over 30 sites were studied and was narrowed down to four. This feasibility study further dives into the four sites plus an additional two that were added later. The sites include Double Butte Site, Banning North Site, Banning South Site, Coachella South, San Timoteo, and Rochelle Site. This feasibility study requests that a consultant narrow down the best site plus one alternative.  

Project Update: KTUA continues to work on the cultural resources constraints analysis and project website development. Right of entry agreements are currently being drafted by Staff for the on-site surveys that need to take place.  KTUA is preparing for the mobilization of site visits for San Timoteo and Double Butte.